Honey Chiffon Cake @ Thank You Ah Ma

Honey Chiffon Cake @ Thank You Ah Ma

Two years ago around this time, Ah Ma left this world. I was there standing by her bedside while I sense her leaving, it is hard to put into words for the feeling. Ten years ago Ah Ma passed me a chiffon baking pan when 

Apple and Gula Melaka Yogurt Muffin @ Cupcake vs Muffin

It was a nondescript rest day for me. I woke up in the middle of the day, feeling happy as it has been a while since I woke up with the sun high above the sky. Yes I am crazy like that, happy over little 

Chinese New Year: Green Pea Cookies Recipe : Bribing with Cookies

I cannot believe it! Tomorrow is the last day of the Chinese Lunar calendar! I am going to leave for my dearest hometown wee early tomorrow morning along with aunty and cousins, and I can’t wait. Though counting up to tomorrow have been anxious, then turn to 

Chinese New Year: Dragon Cookie and Peanut Cookie Recipe : Finally, Initially

Way long ago initially, I wanted to blog about my gastronomic adventure in Japan I haven’t. Then initially I wanted to do a roundup of the blog for 2008, and that did not happen either. Than it reminds me that initially I wanted to make