Honey Chiffon Cake @ Thank You Ah Ma

Honey Chiffon Cake @ Thank You Ah Ma

Two years ago around this time, Ah Ma left this world. I was there standing by her bedside while I sense her leaving, it is hard to put into words for the feeling. Ten years ago Ah Ma passed me a chiffon baking pan when 

Hokkien Prawn Mee Recipe @ The Tale of Two Mothers

Hokkien Prawn Mee Recipe @ The Tale of Two Mothers

Hokkien Mee / Prawn Mee / Har Mee / Xia Mian / Hae Mee Yes being of so many names (due to dialects), and not to be confused with the black stir-fried Hokkien thick noodles, it is actually a prawn noodle soup. Up north in 

Young Papaya Pickle Recipe : First Four Years of My Life

Where have I been missing for so long? Happily busy as commented by a new reader of mine? Yea, I would say so. Currently my tasks are getting heavier, where I see myself working later and later but there is one other thing that is making 

Green Tea Chiffon Cake : Beating it Stiff!

I believe every cook has its challenges. Every cook has its qualms. As for me there are only two things in this culinary world that always gave me the apprehension. It is the yeast and the beat-till-stiff-peak thing. Oh yes, shamefully, as a cook, I